Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 364

Day 364 My lower back really turned the corner last night. When I woke up this morning I felt substantially better. I wasn't completely out of the woods but I felt well enough to push things pretty hard in the gym today. I still didn't want to lift anything too heavy. Tomorrow is the finale. No sense in wrecking things with one day left. That being said, I wasn't about to phone it in today. I may not have been moving anything heavy today, but I still made a point of lining myself up for a good hard sweat.

Today's Workout:

Cardio 1: Versa Climber 100 feet x 10 intervals (35 seconds per interval / rest period based off perceived recovery - 45 to 60 sec typically)

Cardio 2: Rowing 200 metres x 5 intervals (40 - 45 seconds per interval / 45 seconds rest between intervals)

Cardio 3: 400 metre Repeats (Treadmill) 400 metres x 2 intervals (1:15 per interval / 1:15 rest between intervals)

I was really happy overall with how my lower back held up. The versa was no problem and the rowing, although I had to adjust my technique a little bit (I didn't feel too good if I leaned back too far), went really well as well. I wanted to do more 400s but I decided I had pushed things enough. My back was feeling really good but I could tell it wasn't super keen on the running. Hopefully tomorrow the improvement continues.

Well tomorrow is the big day, my 365th consecutive day of working out. I was worried that my back was going to get in the way and make tomorrow's workout somewhat anti-climactic. That is not going to happen. Tonight as I write this I feel great. I don't care if I can't get out of bed on January first, tomorrow's workout is going to be huge.