Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 361

Day 361 Today, I had to drive back to Calgary from Edmonton. The other day when we Nicole and I drove up to Edmonton the weather and the roads were great. Today the roads were pretty bad. The wind was blowing tons of fresh snow across the highway. When we had day light it wasn't too bad, but when the sun went down it was really hard to see. The drive usually takes about 2 and half hrs. Tonight it took close to 4.

When we got to Calgary, I still had to get my workout in. I was really not in the mood to workout. My back was really stiff from sitting so long. It was dinner time and I was hungry, but I had to get it done. I was originally hoping to do some weightlifting today, but the last time I did some lifting after a long drive, I through out my back. So instead of hitting the weights I tried something a little more heart rate focused.

Today's Workout:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of skipping (Singles)


Skipping Double Unders - 50 reps Pull-ups - 10 reps

x 5 rounds

It was a pretty short and sweet workout but it did the trick. After 3 and a half hrs in a car, I really didn't feel like working out, but I had to get it done. This workout got me working hard but at least it didn't take very long.

Tomorrow, when I have more time and enthusiasm I'll get back to the gym and do some lifting. My back and hips should have loosened up by then and pushing the weights should be no problem.