Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 351

Day 351 Last night's group session was pretty tough. My body felt thoroughly worked over when I woke up this morning. I wasn't wrecked, but just enough to know that I had pushed myself. This week my schedule is really busy, making my workout options limited. Considering how hard I worked yesterday, I felt I didn't need a big workout today, but I still wanted enough time to do something worthwhile. it wasn't looking like I was going to have enough time, but I had a last minute cancellation. I had waited around for about 20 minutes, so some of my hour had been eaten up, but I had about half hour to sneak in some lifting before my next session.

Today's Workout:

Olympic Lifting: Snatch Focus Set 1: Hang Snatch: 95lbs x 5 Set 2: Hang Snatch: 95lbs x 5 Set 3: Hang Snatch: 115lbs x 4 Set 4: Snatch (Floor): 125lbs x 4 Set 5: Snatch (Floor): 125lbs x 4

I wasn't very happy with how much I got done. My back was a little sore after the second set of snatches from the floor. I could have fit in another couple sets but I decided to back off. I'm close to the end and don't want to ruin everything by throwing back out, plus I have my charity fitness competition this weekend. I think it's going to be big success and I don't want to be anything less than my best for it.

After work I ended up getting into some unexpected physical exercise. Nicole needed to get her winter tires put on her car. A friend of hers who is a mechanic offered to put them on for her, which was really nice. The only thing was, his neighborhood happened to be the most snow covered area of the whole city. As we were trying to get her car to her friend's garage, it got stuck in the snow. After multiple attempts and a lot of pushing we got the car moving and into the garage. Then as we were leaving, we came across someone else who was stuck in the snow. He was really stuck. His Jaguar was really nice, but rear wheel drive and all season tires are a bad idea in this climate. The best we could do was move his car away from the middle of the street. We thought our car pushing was done for the evening only to turn around and see another guy stuck. We managed to get him going, but not without a little shoveling and some more pushing.

The workout may not have been very satisfying, but I think I made up for it pretty well with 30 minutes of shoveling snow and pushing cars. My lower back is feeling fine. I think stopping the lifting when I did was a good idea. I expect tomorrow to be feeling pretty good. I have my last conditioning group session of 2013 tomorrow night. I think I'll join in again for one last little bit of fun.