Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 347

Day 347 A couple years ago, my co-worker Philip and I threw together a charity workout to raise money for the Boy's and Girl's Club. We had a blast, suffered through some physical exhaustion and raised a lot of money. This year we are doing the same thing, only with a slightly different spin. Two years ago, the challenge only involved the two of us. This time we've organized 2 teams of 10 people, team Ndugga versus team Gibney.

The event involves 4 different challenges. The first part is a team 4000 metre row, with each team member rowing 400 metres. The team that has all of their participants finish first, wins. The second part is a body weight circuit, where 3 rounds of a certain number of reps are completed for particular group of exercises.

Today's Workout:

1. 400 metre row: 80% Effort / 1:30

2. Body Weight Circuit: 3 rounds as fast as possible

  • Chin-ups x 10
  • Push-ups x 20
  • V-Sits x 30
  • Squats x 50

3. Death By Burpees - 45 second intervals. Starting with 1 burpee then adding an extra burpee every 45 seconds. The time left over after completing the required number of burpees is the rest period.

Number of Intervals completed: 10

4. 400 metre Treadmill Sprint - 11 mph / 1:16

This workout was quite difficult but I feel confident about how I"ll perform next week. I didn't push too hard on the rower, but I got a sense of what it will be like. The body weight circuit was hard. The first round isn't too bad but about 1/2 way through the second round it really starts to hurt. By the time I got to the 3rd I was slowing down a lot but still managed to finish strong. The death by burpees is pretty awful. The first 2 or 3 intervals are no problem, but then you realize it takes a lot longer to do 5 or more burpees than you would think. By the time you're up to 7 burpees it feel like you just doing them continuously. I decided to go up to 10. Doing more than that is going to be really hard.