Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 344

Day 344 Yesterday, I pushed the weights around pretty well. I was expecting to pretty sore but surprisingly I felt fine. My traps were a little sore from the hexagon deadlifts but everything else was pretty fresh. This is good sign. It means, I'm recovering well.

Even though, I wasn't sore today. I decided to take a break from lifting any weight today and instead did a metabolic conditioning workout. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be sore from this one, but I was fully expecting to get really sweaty.

Today's Workout:

Part 1: Jam Ball Slams 45 seconds on / 15 seconds off (30lbs) x 5

Part 2: Versa Climber 5 sets / 100 feet (Max Effort) / 60 seconds rest

Part 3: Double Under Skips 50 reps / x 5 / 30 second rest

This workout was really hard. I had done the Versa Climber enough to know that it was going to suck, but I really didn't know what to expect with the Jam Ball intervals. I've done jam ball slams before as part of a circuit and by themselves but never with the amount of volume I used today. It was really hard. By the time I had completed the 3rd interval, every muscle in my body was tired. The double unders are usually pretty easy for me, but today after the other two components I was fried. Keeping the rope going at the high speed necessary was a lot harder than usual.

I feel pretty good about my efforts over the last couple days. I moved a good amount of weight yesterday with my strength session, and today's metabolic workout really pushed my limits. 21 more days to go. The goal is to finish strong. So far things are going as planned.