Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 326

Day 326 As I've mentioned in some previous posts, Nicole is preparing for her black belt test in Kickboxing, and has been training very hard to make sure she's ready. One of the major prerequisites of the test is a significant amount of cardiovascular fitness. Nicole has been working very hard with high intensity pad work and drills with her kickboxing coach, Philip. Unfortunately, the other night at a sparring class, she threw one of her ribs out. She managed to get it back in with the help of my Chiro, Helena, but she's still in a lot of pain. So instead of doing her planned pad work and metabolic conditioning, we did some interval training on the bike tonight.

Today's Workout:

Interval Training:

Stationary Bike: 30 seconds (Level 15 / 100 rpm) 30 seconds (Level 8 / 85 rpm) x 20

This workout was reasonably hard. My original plan for us was to do 30 sets of 30 seconds but after 20 sets I felt like getting off the bike. Unfortunately, the muscles around Nicole's ribs were still very sore and started to bother her a bit as she started to breath heavier as we got further into the workout. She may have to wait another couple days before she gets back at things full swing.

My body is feeling pretty good after the last couple days. I think laying off the heavy stuff for a couple days and also taking a little extra time to foam roll has been beneficial. Sunday workouts tend to be a bit lighter but I think I'll make a point of pushing pretty hard tomorrow.