Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 315

Day 315 I was hoping that my back and hips would be pretty close to100% today, but unfortunately I still felt like I was walking a little crooked. If I was in good enough shape I was going to hold off on seeing my chiropractor Helena today but I was where I had hoped to be so I gave her office a call to see if they could fit me in today. Luckily they had an opening that worked for me, so I made an appointment.

Before going to see Helena, I thought I would sneak in a bit of strength work. I had done almost exclusively cardio over the weekend, so I thought I'd just try a really simple upper body routine. I set a time for 15 minutes and tried to see how many chin-ups I could do before time ran out. I managed 90. I thought for a moment that I might get 100 but I just couldn't recover enough after my last set to get there. Oh well, something to work towards. I left the workout at that for time being and decided to wait until after chiro to see what else I felt like doing.

Helena had seen me in much worse shape in the past, but she still had some work to do to get me feel back to normal. My hips were a little out of place. Particularly my SI (Sacro-Iliac) joint, which seems be  a bit of re-occurring issue for me. She worked away on me for about 30 minutes, and after a lot of active release and a few adjustments, I left Helena's office feeling a little beat up but overall like a new man.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: 15 minutes Max Chin-ups

Attempt 1: 20 Attempt 2: 15 Attempt 3: 15 Attempt 4: 10 Attempt 5: 10 Attempt 6: 11 Attempt 7: 10

15 minutes Total Chin-ups: 90 - I finished up an even 100 with one extra set of 10

After Chiro:

Exercise 2: Barbell Overhead Press 4 sets / 15 reps / 60 seconds rest - 85lbs x 15 for all sets

I thought about adding in some cardio today but decided to wait until tomorrow. I didn't exactly do a huge volume of work, but I was quite tender after getting worked over at the chiros. I felt a lot better but I still didn't feel up to move around a ton. I did however, sneak in some overhead pressing. I thought about seeing if I could do 100 total reps like I did for the chin-ups, but my shoulders were having non of it and I didn't want to over do it .How I feel in the morning will determine what I get up to for tomorrow's workout. If my back and hips are feeling up to snuff, I'll may throw together a metabolic circuit. If I'm still feeling a little less than 100% I'll probably just make up for today's like of cardiovascular work and work my way through some intervals. Whatever, I end up doing I have a pretty good feeling that it will an improvement from the last couple days.