Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 303 (Really 307)

Day 307 I did the math the other night as I counted down how many days I have left to complete my goal and I realized that the math was off and that my workouts were numbered incorrectly. I know I hadn't missed a workout. I swear to god I haven't missed one but somehow I was 4 workouts short. I looked back through my Facebook page through my workouts. The first 100 or so were exclusively on Facebook, as I hadn't started using this blog yet. I haven't found all of the discrepancies yet, after all I have over 300 days to look through, but I have found a couple. I will find the other ones but for now I know that I'm at 307 days instead of 303.

I ended up breaking up my workout into two parts today. originally I was just going to do some heavy dead-lifting but I decided to join my conditioning group for a metabolic session as well.

The first session was pretty straight forward. Just dead-lifting for a high volume of sets. I haven't gone very heavy on dead-lifts very much this year. It tends to be a trigger for putting out my back. However, I've been feeling pretty strong lately so I felt game to pick up something heavy.

Today's Workout:

Part one: Deadlift Session

Warm-up series

  • Glute Raises x 10
  • Marching Glute Bridge x 10 per side
  • Lying Active Hamstring Stretch x 5 per side
  • 45 degree back-extensions 2 sets x 15 reps

Exercise 1: Barbell Deadlift - 2 min rest between sets Set 1: 135 lbs x 5 (Warm-up set) Set 2: 185 lbs x 3 Set 3: 185 lbs x 3 Set 4: 205 lbs x 3 Set 5: 205 lbs x 3 Set 6: 225 lbs x 3 Set 7: 265 lbs x 3 Set 8: 295 lbs x 3 Set 9: 315 lbs x 3

Part 2: Conditioning Workout

My second training session wasn't as straight forward as the first one. The overall gist of the workout wasn't complicated, but it did have a lot more components than the first training session. The workout had 2 goals. Burn 300 calories via cardio machines and complete 300 combined reps from a list of strength movements. The most you could burn at a time for cardio was 50 calories with a strength exercise occurring in between cardio bouts.

300 calories / 300 reps

Push-ups x 60 Lunges x 100 Spin Bike x 50 calories Chin-ups x 20 Box Jumps x 10 Treadmill x 50 calories Kettlebell Front Squats x 20 Spin Bike x 50 calories Chin-ups x 20 Treadmill x 50 calories Kettlebell Swings x 50 Rowing Machine x 50 calories Box Jumps x 20 Rowing Machine x 50 calories

This workout was really tough. My group pushed hard and did a great job of finishing the workout within our hour long session. I was super sweaty by the time I finished. The mix of cardio and strength pushed two different systems of the body to an extreme. By the time the workout was over you felt spent from the inside out. The calorie counters aren't exactly accurate, so I'm not sure how many calories we burned, but by judging from comparative data I've read, I wouldn't be surprised if we expended close to 700 calories. If you include the metabolic cost of recovering from the workout I'd say this worked took us into the 1000 calorie range.