Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 303

Day 303 Today was a pretty lazy day. I did a few random things around the house and worked on the computer. By the time I got around to trying to get a workout in I wasn't feeling very motivated. When you haven't moved around much all day, it seems a lot harder to get the blood pumping than if you've been keeping active throughout the day.

I did have one thing that helped motivate me to get in the gym. Nicole's family planned a belated birthday dinner for me this evening. I had a feeling it was going to be quite the feast, so I thought I had to at least get a little bit of a sweat going to mitigate the damage.

Today's Workout:

Elliptical: 10 minutes (Medium Intensity - Level 10 - 14 / 130 strides per minute)

Rowing: 1500 metres - 6:36

Skipping: 6:00 minutes (Singles - random footwork pattern)

The workout was pretty simple. I had trouble sticking to any one form of exercise but I after adding it all up I got something in. I wasn't a puddle of sweat but I felt a little better about going sitting down for a massive meal, which by the way was awesome. We had a delicious meal consisting of rack of lamb and roasted vegetables, capped off by an amazing cake made by Nicole's sister Clare.

Well the weekend came and went. I got some exercise and caught up on some rest. I feeling pretty good about the week coming. I anticipate having a lot of gas in the tank tomorrow. My hope is to take advantage of having some more juice and go at it hard with a really tough workout.