Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 300

Day 300 Today was my 300th day of working out without a break. I've been looking forward to this workout all year. I knew that by the time I got to day 300 that the end was just around the corner but I was also looking forward to coinciding this day with the infamous "300 Workout".

The 300 workout was created by personal trainer, Mark Twight, who was hired by the producers of the 300 movie to get the cast in Spartan warrior shape in a very short period of time. If you've seen the movie, you know that Twight's program worked wonders, as the entire cast looked pretty impressive. The program worked so well that it made Twight the go to guy in Hollywood to get actors in awesome shape. Most recently he was hired to get Henry Cavill in Superman shape for the Man Of Steel. I've wanted to give the 300 workout it a try for awhile. Initially it seemed a little over the top to me, but I thought at the end of 300 days I should be in good enough shape to get through it. So today on day 300, I got to find out if I was right.

Today's Workout: "The 300 Workout"

  • Pull-ups: 25 reps
  • Deadlift: 50 reps (135 lbs)
  • Push-ups: 50 reps
  • 24-inch Box Jumps: 50 reps
  • Floor Wipers: 50 reps
  • Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press: 50 reps (36 lbs)
  • Pull-ups: 25 reps

This workout lived up it's reputation. When I finished I was toast. I didn't time myself. I forgot that was part of the protocol. Apparently sub 20:00 minutes is a decent standard. My guess was that I was pretty close to the 20 minute mark. I did however, do my best to finish my exercises as quickly and as well as I could with no rest periods. I was able to do most of the workout unbroken with the exception of the pull-ups and deadlifts. Doing deadlifts after 25 pull-ups was murder on the forearms. I can definitely see how this workout if done with some consistency, would yield some pretty impressive results.

I don't plan on going into battle anytime soon, but after 300 days of working out I'm pretty happy with what my body can withstand. 65 days to go. I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm going to reach my goal. I'm in the home stretch. I just have to do my best to stay healthy. I've been a feeling a little less than healthy the last couple days, probably from the Halloweening last weekend. However I've managed to keep myself from getting too under the weather. It's pretty interesting to look back on how often I've gotten sick this year. I think the frequency of illness hasn't really changed from previous years but the severity of the illness has been significantly different. I've caught probably 4 or 5 bugs so far over the year and yet nothing has managed to take hold enough to knock me off the workout streak. Lets hope for no more illness or at the very least the trend of me smashing bugs like a Spartan warrior continues.