Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 295

Day 295 As I mentioned yesterday, today was a very unusually busy work day for a Saturday. Nicole had an exam today, so I got myself out of her way and booked a bunch of work. This was good for the pocket book but it meant getting in a workout would be a little less convenient. I had clients booked all day from 8 - 4, then after work I had about an hour to pick up Halloween costumes and get ready to head out for some Halloween fun.

I managed to get the pieces for our Minion costumes together in pretty good time. This left me about 20 minutes to get in a workout. I decided to go for a quick run. I thought about having some fun and going for a run in my costume, but I didn't feel like being in a sweaty unitard all night.

Today's Workout

2 km Run (Medium Pace)

It turns out the all the jumping I had done this week past week, had caught up to me. About 5 minutes into my run the bottom of my right food started to really hurt. I was able to keep running by adjusting my running technique. I usually run more towards my forefoot instead of striking heel first. This reduces ground contact time with lessens the impact on the knees and hips but it puts a lot more stress on the achilles tendons and muscles of the lower leg. I reduced the stress on my sore feet by reverting to heel striking. It felt really unnatural but it allowed me to finish my run.

In the end I was able to get in my workout and into my Minion costume in time for some Halloween fun with some great friends.