Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 259

Day 259 Nicole has been fighting a pretty nasty chest cold all week. I thought I was doing a really good job of staying healthy, but when I woke up this morning I really didn't feel very good. I don't think I caught Nicole's bug but I have picked up a fairly yucky head cold. I don't think it will be too debilitating. Tylenol cold and sinus seems to clear things up pretty well, but I'm certainly not firing on all cylinders.

I got off work a little earlier today, which was nice. I went home and took a short nap to try and recoup some energy. Nicole and I had planned on driving up to see my parents in Edmonton in the evening and had to get a workout in before left, so any extra energy would be helpful.

Today's Workout

15 minute run (Moderate Pace)

I thought initially about heading back to the gym and doing some Olympic lifting but I ended up napping a bit longer than I had planned. Instead I went for a run. It's not a lot of fun running when you can't breath through your nose. I didn't run very far but it was enough to feel like I did something. At least I got the run in before we left for Edmonton, meaning that I wouldn't have to workout towards the end of the day when I would certainly be extra tired.