Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 243

Day 243 Today's workout continued my recent trend of getting out of the gym and getting my exercise with some less structured exercise and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. Tonight, I joined my friend Mike for some squash. I used to play a lot of racquet sports, especially badminton, which miss it quite a bit. I don't really have an excuse for not playing anymore other than not finding the time. Hopefully this trend of playing sports for exercise continues.

Today's Workout:

60 minutes of Squash

My level of squash is not as high as my badminton, but I'm good enough to play some decent rallies. Mike and I definitely managed to get a lot of squash in in 60 minutes. I asked Mike at intervals if he wanted to grab some water but he was determined to keep things going with the squash. I had a lot of fun. We got our legs moving and our heart rates up. The nice thing about playing a game like squash is that you can get a really great cardiovascular workout with some variety of movement instead of the continuous monotony that sometimes accompanies running or cycling. Mike says his plan is to play Squash every Tuesday. I don't know if I can make it every week but I can see myself joining quite a bit in the future.