Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 184

Day 184 Today was day 1 of the 2nd half of the year. In one way it definitely felt like day 184, but in another way it kind of felt like starting over. The routine continued but for some reason, I had more enthusiasm, and more energy today. I think viewing the 6 month mark as an achievement helps takes some of the pressure off.

I wasn't exactly sure what to do today. My day was wide open, so I had plenty of time to fit something in. It was just a matter of picking something. Over the last couple days my workouts hadn't been very long but they were pretty intense. I thought about doing more of a regeneration day and hopping on the bike for 30 minutes or even trying to find a yoga class somewhere. Neither happened as I got busy running around doing errands. The day ran away on me and next thing I knew it was 6:30 and time for my conditioning group.

Oh well, in the end I joined my group for some sprints. Yoga would have to wait another day.

Today's Workout:

60 metre Sprint Repeats: 12 reps / 85 % Intensity / 90 seconds rest between reps

180 metre Shuttle: 3 reps / 90% intensity / 2 minutes rest between reps30 metres sprint out and back + 60 metre sprint out and back

I actually had a lot more in the tank than I thought. The 100 burpees the other day hurt a lot at the time but apparently they didn't quite destroy me. Tomorrow I'd really like to get to yoga but It doesn't look like my schedule will allow it, so light cardio like I mentioned before will probably be my workout of the day. My quads and hamstrings will probably appreciate something a little less intense.

On a side note I picked up Biosteel's "Sports Drink" today. I had been reading about it lately and thought I might give it a try. Apparently a lot of the top NHL players have been using it to fuel their workouts and have been giving it great reviews. The proposed benefits are increased energy, recovery, and mental alertness. I didn't have a chance to use it before my workout today, so we'll see if this "Sports Drink" is worth the money.