Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 178

Day 178 Today was a lot less strenuous than the last few days of the week. I slept in a little longer, had a good breakfast, and watched some tennis on tv. That being said I still got up to a little heavy lifting. I got a message from my client Rick saying that if I was interested in some heavy lifting he could use some help moving furniture out of his house. I was planning on giving the lifting muscles a break today, but I just couldn't say no. Rick's house is directly on the river and was hit really badly by the floods.

I drove over to Rick's house and helped move some furniture and boxes out of his house and into the moving van. It was nice to see that even though they had sustained so much damage, they had still managed to save a lot of their things. I had been helping for about an hour when my chest started to feel tight. All of the houses I had helped out with so far had been really wet, whereas the area in front of Rick's house was actually really dusty from all the dried mud and silt. My asthma was acting up a bit. I don't normally carry an inhaler, and I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to manage, so I decided to call it quits and head home.

I waited at home a little bit for my lungs to feel a bit better before starting my workout. My muscles were pretty sore, so I decided a short run up and down 17th ave would be a good idea. I didn't want to run to far with my lungs feeling a bit fired up but I thought a short one would be ok.

Today's Workout:

25 minutes Run / approx 4 km

The run went ok. My chest wasn't too happy but I got it through ok. For some reason there seemed to be a ton of smokers out on 17th ave. Maybe it was because my asthma was acting up, but the cigarette smoke seemed to bother me a lot more than usual. I guess with the weather being nicer, that's something I'll have to expect on such a busy street.

After my run, Nicole and I went out for softball, which was nice seeing as the weather had cancelled a lot of our games lately. It was fun. We didn't have a big team, so we all got up to bat a lot. My first hit was a grounder, meaning that I had to sprint pretty fast to first base. My legs just would not move. I felt like I was running in quick sand. I guess my muscles were even more tired than I thought. Things got a little easier as the game went on. In the end we one, which was nice.

Tomorrow morning, the plan is tell help a client remove some tile from yet another flooded house, but in the afternoon, I think I might actually find a gym and lift some weights.