Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 173

Day 173 Early this afternoon, I joined my friends Gene and Steve to hit some golf balls. I knew it wouldn't be pretty. I think I've maybe been to a driving range twice in the last 6 years. We went to the Shaganappi golf course to use the driving range but the whole golf club was closed due to the heavy rains. Instead we drove to another course, Elbow Springs, which is towards the outskirts of the city, thinking that it would be less affected by the flooding.

The driving range was closed as well but the course was open. They had no power and the course was still pretty bogged down with water, so they offered us a discounted rate for 9 holes. We weren't planning on actually playing golf, but we had driven all the way out there, so we thought why not.

I had a lot of fun, but boy was I bad. We were taking too long for this guy behind us, so he decided to play through, but not without telling us we were too slow. He was a tool. I got a little better after the 3rd hole, after abandoning the driver and sticking to a 7 iron and a putter.

It was more than just a casual walk on a golf course as I had to traverse some interesting terrain looking for my ball, so I think I got a little more exercise than Gene and Steve. We didn't keep score but we had fun. My friends made some nice shots and I learned a couple things from them. I plan on getting out a lot more and perhaps even taking some lessons. I'd would love to get better at golf so that I could enjoy it a bit more. A lot of my clients use golf as an excuse to travel, which I think would be a lot of fun.

When I got home I took a short nap. I think the sun and the 2 beers I had during golf made me dopey. When I woke up I decided to do a small workout with some dumbbells in my garage. As much as I was mucking about the golf course, I felt I needed to get some actual structured exercise to claim a workout for today.

Today's Workout

Part 1: 9 holes of bad golf

Part 2: Dumbbell Workout in the Garage

Superset 1:

A1. Db Front Squat: 3 sets / 15 reps / 60lbs (30lbs per side)

A2. Db Bent-Over Row: 3 sets / 20 reps / 30 lbs per side

Superset 2:

B1. Db Curl to Overhead Press: 3 sets / 15 reps / 30 lbs per side

B2. Db Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets / 10 reps per side / 30 lbs per side

Superset 3:

C1. Lateral Db Raise: 3 sets / 15 reps / 30 lbs per side

C2. Overhead Db Tricep Extension: 3 sets / 12 reps / 30 lbs per side

I was somewhat limited by what I had for equipment and space. I think I need to invest in a couple more pieces of equipment. 30 lbs is a bit light for some exercises and a bit heavy for others. However, I was feeling pretty lethargic and the workout definitely woke me up and made me feel better.

My work will likely still be closed for at least another day. The good news is that there doesn't seem to be much damage from the flooding. However, I imagine many of my clients will still be trying to put their lives back together over the next little while. I usually have my conditioning group on Monday nights. I might see if instead of doing a workout if I could interest them in joining me in helping with the recovery process. I think it would be great to see a bunch of young fit people chipping in and helping out the community.