Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 157

Day 157 Today turned out to be a super random exercise day. My schedule really didn't allow for anything structured, which was kind of ok as I really needed something a lot less taxing today. Basically this post is a series of miscellaneous activity that I'm claiming as exercise. Some of it alone, I probably wouldn't have considered working out but the accumulative activity over the course of the day could definitely constitute a workout.

Today's Workout

Activity Log:

8:00 am: 30 minute power walk with a client through Elbow Park (This was harder than I thought it would be. My client Mary was huff'n it up the hills)

5:00 pm: Body weight circuit with my ski conditioning class: Body Weight Squat x 20 reps /  Jumping Jacks x 30 sec / Reverse Lunges x 30 sec / High Knees x 30 sec / Lateral Lunges x 20 sec per side (60 sec rest / repeat 3 times)

7:00 pm: Soft Ball: Wasn't the most strenuous of exercise but I did sprint quite a bit. I almost hit a home run, but not quite.

9:30 pm: 200 push-ups (60, 30, 10, 40, 25, 20, 15)

As I said, not exactly a structured workout but overall it did involve a great deal of physical activity. Probably the most surprising activity of the day was the power walk. My client wanted to go outside for a walk, so I said "ok lets go". We got outside and before I knew it she was trucking down the street. I actually found it difficult to keep up. My short legs are not designed for power walking.

Overall it was an active day but I still felt I needed a bit more, so at the end of the day when I got home I did a bunch of push-ups to make me feel like I'd done enough. Tomorrow will be back to something more structured. I didn't get in enough regeneration work today (Foam rolling, stretching) as I wanted, so that will have to be on the agenda tomorrow for sure.