Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 155

Day 155 Tonight's post is going to be a short one. I had to get my car to the dealership tonight to have some new tires put on and with after-work traffic happening around this time and having to get some dinner it was pretty late by the time I was able to get my workout in.

Today's Workout

3 mile run in 29 minutes (Considering I stopped to pee at the co-op and forgot to stop my timer, it was probably a little faster)

It wasn't the longest or the fastest run, but it was a run none the less. The K100 relay is about 2 and a half weeks away, so I will definitely have to sneak in a couple more long runs to get ready. I feel pretty fit at the moment. I'm not worried about being able to do the run. I think I'll do just fine, but I just want to feel like I'm prepared.

Tomorrow will likely be a double session. Some weights in the morning and some conditioning with my group in the evening. It should make for a big day. Hopefully I'll get a decent sleep tonight. The last couple nights have been pretty restless.