Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 143

Day 143 As I mentioned yesterday, I was planning on doing a strength training session but didn't manage to get around to it. Today wasn't looking much better. My schedule has been really packed as of late but I managed to find a couple small windows of time to hit the weights. I squeezed in about 1/2 an hour between 12:30 and 1:00, then another 15 minutes or so around 3:00.

I didn't have time for the planned 10 sets of 10 reps, so I went a little heavier than usual. My legs were pretty cooked from the sprints the other night, so instead of super-setting a chest exercise with a hamstring exercise I decided to work on upper back and external shoulder rotators.

Today's Workout:

Superset 1

Exercise 1: Inclined Dumbbell Press 6 sets / 10 reps / 60 sec rest (70lbs)

Exercise 2: Dumbbell External Rotation 6 sets / 10 reps per side / 60 sec rest (20lbs)

Superset 2

Exercise 3: Upwards Cable Chest Fly 3 sets / 12 reps / no rest (40lbs)

Exercise 4: Rope Face Pull 3 sets / 12 reps / 60 sec rest (70lbs)

It felt good to push some slightly heavier weights around. I don't really have a plan for the next couple days. Another long run is likely in order. The Kananaskis relay is only getting closer. I will also likely do one more day of strength training. Somewhere in between the two I might do some yoga. I'm feeling pretty stiff and think something a little more restorative would be a good idea. I also haven't had a massage for a long, so we'll see if I can schedule one.