Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 140

Day 140 My workout today was very straight forward. If I had stuck to the original plan I would have done another squat and chin-up superset of 10 sets of 10 reps, but I ended up modifying things a little bit. After running 6 miles yesterday my legs were really tired and sore. I could have still pushed through the squats, but I have plenty of more chances to get some squats in, so I gave them a miss today.

With my chin-ups, because I managed 10 reps through all 10 sets last week, I was supposed to add extra weight today to increase the difficulty. However, instead of adding weight by using a weight belt and a plate, I simply changed to a more difficult chin-up variation. I used the wide grip instead of the traditional underhand grip.

Today's Workout:

Exercise 1: Wide Grip Chin-ups (Strict) 10 sets / 10 reps: 10 x Bodyweight (90 sec rest between sets)

It was a really simple workout but it served its purpose. The wide grip alteration proved to be quite a challenge. I only managed 8 reps on my 8th and 9th set. I didn't mean to but I think I took a little too much rest before my 10th set, as I suddenly was able crank out a full 10 reps. It also might have been mental. Knowing that I was pretty much finished may have helped me push through.

After the gym Nicole and I went and joined our friends Scot and Christie to practice our softball skills. I guess I could say I did a little bit of sprinting. My job at some points was to try and catch my friend Scot's fly balls. I don't think I caught one, but I certainly did a lot of running around. It was a lot of fun. Scot and Christie also brought their new boxer puppy along, which of course was extra incentive to get out there.