Richard Gibney's 365 Days of Fitness: Day 135

Day 135 The first part of my workout was another German Volume Training lifting session. The second part of my workout was a hill sprint session with my conditioning group. My schedule worked out a little better today than yesterday and my group session lent itself a little better for me to join in than Monday's.

Last week my second lifting session involved an upper body push movement with a lower body pull movement. This week instead of the inclined barbell press, I chose the inclined dumbbell press because I was working out with my client Ryan. Using dumbbells made it easier for us to use different weights. Loading and unloading the bar would have been very inconvenient. I kept the lower body movement the same as last week, which was the prone leg curl. I didn't increase the weight as I should have because I wanted to be careful with my hamstring which I tweaked last week.

Today's Workout

Part 1: German Volume Training (Upper Push / Lower Pull) Week 2


Exercise 1: Inclined Db Chest Press 10 sets / 10 reps: 10 x 60lbs / 60 seconds rest (Dowel chest opener stretch during rest period)

Exercise 2: Prone Leg Curl 10 sets / 10 reps: 10 x 110lbs / 60 seconds rest (Active hamstring stretch during rest period)

The second part of my workout was pretty hard, but I really enjoyed it. I had a great group out tonight. It was a blast to sprint up this hill with 30 people, all working really hard. There was a little bit of rain, which was actually really nice. If it was as hot as last week, I think it would have been a lot more difficult. The goal was to sprint up hill beside the Glencoe club as many times as possible in 20 minutes.

Part 2: Hill Sprints

100 metre Hill Sprints: Sprint 100 metres uphill, then walk 20 metres down and sprint back up = 1 rep

Workout = 20 minute time limit / do as many reps as possible I can't remember exactly how many reps I managed. I think it was around 6 or 7.

I feel really good after the double workout session today. Tomorrow will likely be some core and cardio in the morning, then some softball in the evening. I'm hoping not to hurt my hamstring again. A good thorough warm-up will definitely be in order.